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Consolata Missionary Sisters
International congregation founded in Turin in 1910 for the mission of first proclamation of the Gospel, by the priest Saint Joseph Allamano.
We come from 15 different nations and are present in 17 countries.
In Africa: Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Tanzania, Mozambique, Liberia and Guinea Bissau.
In America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and the United States.
In Asia: Mongolia and Kazakhstan.
In Europe: Italy and Portugal.
The Charism
Strengths for the mission
Our Lady Consolata is the Mother who generated us and continues to generate us. She, the mother of true Consolation, Jesus Christ, is a model of disciple and missionary.
Saint Joseph Allamano, our Father
His words point the way to holiness and mission. We feel him as a living presence, who continues to illuminate the path and continues to tell us: "Courage and go forward, I bless you!"
First proclamation of consolation
"We are for non-Christians". We announce Jesus Christ, true consolation, missionary Son of the Father, who gave himself for the salvation of humanity. In the Eucharist we find the fire of love that enlightens us and makes the fire for the mission burn in us.
Family spirit
The Congregation is a small body, unique and united, a family of sisters who love each other. Community life characterizes our mission. We are also a family with those who share the same Charism: the Consolata Missions Institute (fathers and brothers) and the Lay Missionaries of the Consolata
from our communities
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- Mission
- Saint Joseph Allamano
- Spirituality
The miracle concerns the healing of Sorino Yanomami, who was attacked and seriously injured by a jaguar, in the Brazilian…
Sister Simona Brambilla, a Consolata missionary, has been appointed by the Holy Father Pope Francis as Prefect of the Dicastery…
In the early hours of February 7, 1996, Sorino Yanomami set out hunting from his maloca (collective Yanomami home). While…
Histories of Sainthood
Our Saints
A priest from Turin, he was the rector of the Sanctuary of the Madonna Consolata, patron saint of the city of Turin, for 46 years. A trainer of priests, he founded the two Missionary Institutes of the Consolata.
Consolata Missionary in Kenya. She distinguished herself for heroic charity. The Kikuyu people called her: "Nyaatha", mother all mercy
Consolata Missionary in Kenya and Somalia. She worked as a nurse and nurse trainer. She was murdered in hatred of her faith in Mogadishu.
What our Saints
tell us
Holiness consists not in extraordinary things, but in doing all things well, consistently, as best as possible.
I will love charity more than myself.
I would like that around the Lord, before Him, we could all really sing what we sometimes sing in Church and that I don't find the courage to say: "With a simple and joyful heart I gave everything (Lord my God)", I always have to say... "I wanted to give you everything..." but I hope that one day the Lord, in His goodness, will help me to give Him everything or... He will take it... because He knows that I really want this, He knows